compass is a navigational instrument for finding directions. A compass can tell
you the direction an object is from you. This is known as the bearing. It can
also indicate which direction you are going towards, this is known as your
heading. First invented in ancient China around 247BCE, the magnetic compass
was already in use for navigation by the 11th century.
unique invention enabled mariners to navigate safely far from land, increasing
sea trade, and contributing to the Age of Discovery. Although the world has
transformed from the Middle-Ages to Modern Era, the compass has continued to
play a significant role in indicating the direction-of-travel and the discovery
of modern societies.
Compass offers a variety of activities to students. It allows students to
discover their God given potentials and the ability to harness this talent into
a productive reality. The Club offers you the opportunity to showcase your
talent in writing, presentations, research, entertainment, creative works,
events planning, photography, sports and other extra-curricular activities that
boast the self-esteem of teenagers and adult alike.
creation of Club-Compass School Society in your school will among many things,
identify prospective and active club members, organize your programmes and
project the image of your school positively as well as the good will and
intentions of Club-Compass founders.
will not only serve as a useful extra-curricular activity programme for students but
will also encourage parents and guardians to support their children’s
ambitions, talents and acquired skills and the quantum development of youths in
addition to learning and character building, Club-Compass School Society is a
true means of entertainment in a pure, organized and creative environment.
School trips, events, competitions, workshops and seminars, the club inspires
entertainment for teenagers and youth alike, allowing them to be entertained,
educated and informed.