Thursday, May 16, 2013


Your attitude can be defined as your general emotional approach to any person or situation. It is the one thing about you that people notice immediately. It radiates from you in your facial expression, your tone of voice and your body language. It is seen and felt immediately in every human interaction.

A person with a positive attitude can make more progress in a couple of years than a person with a negative attitude could make in 10 or 20 years. Take full control of your words and actions, and make sure that everything you do is helping you. Resolve every day to behave like the kind of person you want to be thought of and spoken about by other people.

The key to your personality is your self-esteem. How you genuinely feel about yourself determines your impact on others more than any other factor. Your self-esteem is best defined as how much you like yourself. The more you like and respect yourself, the more you will like and respect others, and the more they will like and respect you. Everything you do and say to build and reinforce your own self-esteem improves your attitude and your relationships with other people.

TO BUILD A POSITIVE ATTITUDE IN LIFE, there are a few steps to take highlighted here. First is to eliminate the negative emotions of anger, blame, envy, resentment, and self-pity, you make a conscious decision to accept complete responsibility for your life, for everything you are and everything you will ever be. 

You refuse to make excuses or to blame anyone else. You see yourself as the primary creative force in your own present and your own future. You realize that you are where you are and what you are because of your own choices and decisions in the past, and since you made those choices and decisions, you are responsible for whatever you do.

Second step is that you must take charge of your life by seeing yourself as active rather than passive. You make things happen rather than waiting and hoping for them to happen. You see yourself as a master of change rather than as a victim of change. If you are not happy with some part of your life, you get busy and do something about it, but you refuse to allow negative emotions to interfere with your personality or to cloud your vision.

Third, you set clear, written goals for yourself in each important area of your life. You create written plans of action to achieve them. You work on your major goals every day. You maintain a sense of forward momentum and progress that gives you energy and enthusiasm. You keep yourself so busy working on things that are important to you that you don’t have time to worry about little irritations or situations that are out of your control.

This dynamite combination of accepting complete responsibility and then designing a clear written plan for your life gives you a foundation upon which you can build as high as you want to go. These two actions give you a tremendous sense of personal power and enable you to create your own future.

Fourth, you recognize that knowledge and skill are the keys to financial freedom. The more you learn, the more you earn. The more you learn about your field, the more opportunities you will have to use your increasing knowledge. You work on becoming better every day. You know that if you are not getting better, you are getting worse.

Fifth, you recognize that personal mastery in your field is absolutely essential to success, achievement, and what people call luck. Excellent performance opens every door and is the key to your earning what you are really worth.

Sixth, you have a plan for personal and professional development that includes reading, listening to audio programs, attending courses and seminars, and taking every opportunity to increase your knowledge and skill. The more you work on becoming better at the key skills you need to achieve your goals, the more confident and competent you feel. You know that success is not an accident. Luck is just a word that people use to explain the good things that continually happen to people who are excellent at what they do.

Seventh, and perhaps most important of all, you know that you become what you think about most of the time. You, therefore, discipline yourself to think continually about the things that you want and keep your mind off of the things you don't want.

Don't forget that the principle of affirmation says that strong, affirmative statements repeated continually in your conscious mind will inevitably be accepted as commands by your subconscious mind.

Whatever goal or command your program into your subconscious mind will begin to materialize in the world around you. A new goal activates your reticular activating system. This increases your awareness and sensitivity to people, ideas, and opportunities that can help you. It enables you to put your foot on the accelerator of your own potential and move more rapidly toward your goals.

Always remember that it’s up to you. 
Thank you!

Monsieur Fred Odeigah 
Co-founder Compass Creativity Concept