Thursday, May 23, 2013

For Laughs...

Who Controls the chain?

Boss says to secretary:

For a week, we will go
abroad, so make arrangements. 

Secretary makes a call to her Husband: For a week my boss and I will be going abroad, so look after yourself.

Husband makes call to

secret lover: My wife is going abroad for a week, so let's
spend the week together.

Secret lover makes a
call to a little boy whom
she is giving private
lessons: I have to work for a week, so you need not come for class.

Little boy makes call to his grandfather:
Grandpa, for a week, I
don't have classes 'coz my teacher is busy.
Let's spend the week together.

Grandpa ( d boss )
makes a call to his
Secretary: This week I am spending time with
my grandson. We can't
attend the meeting any longer.

Secretary makes a call
to her husband: My boss has some
personal matters to attend to, so our trip is cancelled.

Husband makes a call to secret lover: We cannot spend this week
together; my wife has cancelled her trip.

Secret lover makes a
call to little boy whom
she is giving private lessons: This week we will have classes as

Little boy makes a call
to his grandfather:
Grandpa, my teacher
said this week I have to attend class. Sorry I can't keep you

Grandpa makes a call to his secretary: Don't worry, this week we will attend that
meeting, so make arrangements
Question>> Who Controls The Chain?


Boy........ Hi girl wats up?

Girl......... Am fine..any problem?

boy........yes na, ur my problem,
it pains my heart an siezes my
existence an bring tears in my
eyes to know dat u dont have feelings
for me.

Girl........rea lly?


Girl........are u sure u love me?

Boy......yes, more dan my life..

Girl....... Ok but am HIV positive..

Boy.....Waaaaaa aaaat! No na, hw
can. serious, do u still love

Boy......i will think about it.

Girl....... I love u too

boy....... No be me and u...

What is the name of this boy?

In the Courtroom

In a courtroom, a lawyer called
his first witness who
happens to be an elderly woman
to the stand.

He went to her and asked, "Mam
do you know me?" 

She responded,
"Why, yes I do know u Mr Pollus.
I've known you
since you were
a young boy, and to be frank,
you have been a big disappointment to your parents
and to the society.
You are a liar, you cheat people
including your wife,
and you manipulate people and
talk about them behind their backs. you think you
are a big man
when you don't even have
brains. Yes, I know you!"

The lawyer was stunned! Not
knowing what else to do, he pointed across the room
and asked,
"Mam, do you know the defence

She replied,
"yes, I do. I have known Mr Gideon since he was a
young boy too. He has been your
very good friend
since childhood because the two
of you have the
same character. He has also been a very lazy man
and he has a drinking problem.
Infact he is a
criminal and he can't even build a
relationship with anyone and his law practice is one
of the worst in the entire state.
Not to mention he
cheated on his wife with 3
different women, one of
them was your wife. Yes, I know him. The defence
lawyer almost fainted.

The Judge called both lawyers to his table
and in a very quiet
voice, said, "If any of you idiots asks her if
she knows me, I'll make sure you loose your license."

Shut up and drive...

U are in a car with your dad and he's d 1 driving and immediately rihanna's song "Shut Up and Drive" started playing.. Den ur dad asked what is d title of dis song playing?...... wat will u tell him ? Be sincere